Domestic Disturbance.....
I don't need a life. I can live through other people's lives.........
Just as I was getting into bed last night I heard some yelling on the street. So I look out the window and there's a car blocking a van across the street and some people yelling at each other. This went on for a few minutes with the van trying to get around the car but the car kept moving and blocking the van. Lots of f--- you was being yelled by the female in the car to the male in the van. Finally the van got away. I was thinking if I called the police that by the time they got here everyone would be gone. Then another car shows up and the female in the first car approaches that car which had another female in it. They yell at each other for some time. Something about he has a family and drugs and on and on...........finally everyone leaves. Then the first car reappears and is talking to a cop in a police car, giving him the license plate number and that "they're all on drugs".
And then another time I was awakend in the wee hours of the morn with a guy yelling "Roxanne get in the car" as he drove alongside a woman walking on the street. She kept blowing him off and he kept yelling at her to get in the car. Then a guy in a truck shows up (he seemed to be the father of the woman walking) and then both men were yelling at each other. I was ready to yell out the window "Roxanne - get in the f------ car so we can get some sleep". Geez, don't these people have jobs they have to be at in the morning? Shouldn't they be home in bed sleeping?
I could give you more examples but I don't want to bore you....
Remember the favorite job I was talking about and how maybe it wasn't my favorite job anymore cuz of the new computer challenges? Well, I think it's my favorite job again. They just gave me a $1.00 per hour raise. Yup, I love that job.