Saturday, May 29, 2004

I Feel Naked.....

I dropped my son off at the airport at the ungodly hour of 6:30 AM yesterday morning. He went to Honolulu for the Special Olympics state games.

And I don't know what to do with myself.

I have all this free time and I'm not using it barhopping and getting falling down drunk or whatever it is people do to entertain themselves when their kids aren't around.

Geez, I was ready for bed by 8:30 PM last night.

It kind of scares me that I'm not totally bummed that I'm not going out. Or taking advantage of this opportunity to......

Oh well.

I did go to the beach today. And I'll probably go to the beach tomorrow. I pick him up Sunday afternoon so we'll most likely go to the beach on Monday.

I did get a phone call from my mom telling me that he won 2 gold medals today. He has one more competition tomorrow.

But Officer...

Someone bashed in the rear window of my neighbors truck sometime today.

I noticed it when I got home from the beach. At the time I thought it was weird and wondered about it. When his girlfriend got home this afternoon she noticed it and called the police.

So two cop cars pull into the driveway and talk to her about it. Then I hear a knocking on my front door. One of the cops asks me if I saw any strange vehicles today. Nope. I told her I was gone from about 11 AM to 2:45, 3ish and noticed the broken window when I pulled in the driveway. She took my name & number. I did mention to her that I didn't notice at the time that the front hood was popped. Then she knocked on the front door of the back house. No one home.

This is really odd. We don't get strange cars or people on this property. It's kind of scary to think that someone would do this in broad daylight. And I wonder if anything was taken from the truck. The window has a hole in it but isn't completely bashed in so I don't know how they would get their arm in to take anything without getting cut.

All I know is it wasn't me.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Have You Ever Noticed....

That whenever you need help in a store there's never anyone around to help you.

And, whenever you don't need help there are clerks all over the place asking if you need help?

What I Did This Weekend......

Let's see....Saturday we went to the beach. Sunday we went to the beach. Um........oh yeah, ran some errands Sunday morning.

Thought about going to see Shrek 2 but decided against it because it would have cut into beach time. And it's been so long since we've had back to back nice weather on the weekend.

Saturday we went to Salt Pond. I never get tired of that place. It was gorgeous. The water was clear and cold. There was a nice breeze blowing so the sun didn't feel so hot. The mountains were green with sugar cane and the ocean was blue and calm.

But, summer has definitely arrived. The sun was blazing hot on Sunday at the beach. So we spent most of the time under the beach umbrella watching the surfers and one fisherman throw net fishing. We did walk down the beach a couple times and get our feet wet. I would have preferred to go swimming but the water always looks dirty at Pakala's. I did find some cowry shells and some beach glass. I even found a couple shells with the animal still inside but threw those back in the ocean. And we chased the crabs around on the sand.

It was a good beach weekend.

Monday, May 17, 2004

New & Improved.....

Whenever I see those words on a product I've been using for a long time I get suspicious. And my suspicions have usually been founded.

Take the soap I've used for years. I've always liked it because it was easy to rinse off, it's antibacterial and the shape fit in my hand just right. A couple years ago they decided to change the shape. And it always slipped out of my hand. I tried other soaps but never found one I liked. So I went back to my old soap with the new shape. It still slips out of my hand but I just can't afford to try other soaps until I find one I like.

The same thing happened with an eyeshadow base I had been using for years. It worked perfect. Then the company changed it so it wasn't on a stick anymore. I tried using it for awhile but gave up because it just didn't do the job anymore. So I found a product to replace it that worked really well. The only place to buy it was at J.C. Penney. There's no Penney's on Kauai. I was able to get it once when I was on Oahu at their store at Ala Moana. That has since closed. Now the only place I can find it is on the internet.

The latest incident of product improvement is the shampoo I use. Once again, it worked perfect on my hair. Recently the packaging changed and the container sports a brightly printed "New Formula" slogan on it. Huh? What was wrong with the old formula? It couldn't have been changed because of sagging sales. There were times when I couldn't even find it on the shelf. Nonetheless, for some reason, companies feel compelled to periodically "update" their product. I've tried the "New Formula" shampoo and they are right. It is a new formula because it's much harder to rinse out of my hair. It feels creamier. And I don't like as much. So I guess I'll be trying out other shampoos until I find one I like which I'll probably use until it gets "improved" then I'll have to find another one and the cycle will just continue to repeat itself.

I have a message for companies out there:


Saturday, May 15, 2004

A Very Blah Day....

I had my fingers crossed that the weather would be nice this weekend but the weather forecasters were pretty much on target and the entire day has been overcast, dreary and at times rainy. So, I've spent the whole day indoors in my bathrobe. I did get some cleaning done and I did get to take a short nap. And I did balance all three of my checking accounts. So the day wasn't entirely wasted. Did I mention that I cleaned one fan and scrubbed the kitchen sink?

I really do like spring and summer but I don't like the bugs that come with them. I'm talking termites, roaches, geckos, etc. When it gets really dry I get centipedes in the house. The other night I was awakened by the sound of roach flying across my bedroom and landing on the wall. Then I heard another one. This was at 12:45 AM. So I get the flashlight to check it out. I turned on the overhead light and spot one of the roaches on the wall up by the ceiling. I grab a slipper from the closet and throw some wadded up paper from the trashcan at it to try and get it closer so I can kill it with the slipper. It finally runs down the wall, I try to smack it with the slipper and it escapes into the hallway. I closed my bedroom door and got back in bed. I'd rather sleep than chase the damn thing around trying to kill it.

Why Are Property Managers Such Assholes?

It's been three weeks since a friend of the couple in the studio backed into and knocked down the post with the mailboxes on it. No one has attempted to fix it. The neighbor that lives in the back house asked me the other day if I had called the police yet to report it. I told her I hadn't but probably would this week. Instead I decided to call the property manager to let him know that nothing had been done yet by either the guy that hit it or the couple in the studio. Before I could finish telling the property manager the status of the situation he was yelling at me on the phone. So I said excuse me? He yelled at me some more. So I responded that maybe I had caught him at a bad time. He pretty much reamed out my ass. So I told him that I would call the police and that he could deal with either them or the insurance company of the guy that hit it. As soon as I hung up the phone rang and I could tell by caller id that it was him calling back. I just let it ring. He called back again and again I just let it ring.

Fuck him. He's an asshole and there is no reason under the sun for him to yell at me that way. Never would be too soon to ever talk to him again. How the heck can his behavior be tolerated by the company he works for?

Guess what? Today the guy that lives in the studio was out repairing the mailbox post. I wonder why?

The Ex-Boyfriend.....

Continues to call me from jail. He hasn't made bail yet. And he continues to tell lies. No surprise. He previously told me his mom had $1500 for a van he sold that she was holding to be used towards his bail. Now he says she doesn't have the money yet. He sold the van but hasn't been paid for it. He also asked me if I could loan him some money for his bail. Told him I have no money. Which is true. But even if I did I wouldn't loan it to him. I'd never see it again. And.........I think he's guilty of the crimes he's charged with. So he can cool his heels in jail until his trial and maybe even after that.

Oh, One Last Thing......

I don't care if she is from Hawaii, Jasmine sucked on American Idol. Ok, ok, she sings better than me. No doubt about that. But, geez people, don't vote for someone just because they live where you live. Vote for them because they are the most talented. And we all know the most talented have already been voted off. When I saw that lady on the news that said she voted for Jasmine 500 times I wanted to reach into the tv and slap her. For Christs Sake.......what is the world coming to?

What's That Smell?

On Wednesday I got take-out from the mexican restaurant near the jewelry store. Later that night I was reminded why beans are called the musical fruit........

Thursday, May 13, 2004

I Cheated...

And I don't feel guilty. Not a bit. I went to the website to see who won the other million dollars. And the show hasn't aired in Hawaii yet.

If what I read in the chat room is accurate then the person who should have won the game has won the second million dollars

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


The monarch butterfly hatched today. It was drying it's wings when I came home for lunch today. I also saw a newly hatched one on my neighbor's wall.

Visited the day program my son will most likely be attending when he graduates from high school. OMG - less than three weeks to go.

Was awakened last night/this morning by the sound of someone hammering something. Then someone yelled SHUTUP and all was quiet again.

Watched the finale of Survivor. Was deeply disappointed in the outcome. Even tho it was inevitable.

Went to and voted for Rupert to win the 2nd one million $ prize. It appears that you can vote as many times as you want.

Killed two birds with one stone son got his hair cut while I did laundry.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Things I Saw Or Did Last Week...

Found a monarch butterfly cocoon on the handle of the rubbish can.

Bought my mom candy for Mother's Day. Put half of each type in a box to be mailed to her. Ate the other half while watching TV this week.

Made an appointment to have the oil leak on my car fixed.

Did laundry after work on Tuesday at the laundromat.

Discovered my new favorite drink is Vanilla Pepsi.

Scheduled a visit to a day program my son may attend after he graduates this month.

Made a few phone calls and found out the ex-boyfriends bail is actually $4,000.00.

Wondered how the ex-boyfriend will react when I tell him I didn't feel comfortable calling his mom to pass on a message that he wants her to sell two of his cars to raise the rest of his bail money.

Watched a black cat walk down the sidewalk in Lihue while I waited for my car to be safety checked.

Went swimming at Baby Beach Saturday morning.

Ate a Burrito Supreme (no meat/no onions) while sitting in traffic on Kuhio Hwy mid-Saturday.

Left a bag of non perishable food on the mailbox for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive by the USPS.

Stuck my neighbors mail in their door while wondering why they never check the mailbox.

Choked on the exhaust fumes that came in my house while the neighbor warmed their car up.

Watched the crabs scampering on the sand at the beach at Pakala's Saturday afternoon.

Wondered where the "heartbreaker" is working now.

Thought about getting a hobby to occupy my free time.....let's see....knitting. No, too sedentary. Crocheting....ditto. Photography.....don't have a camera. Blogging.....wait, I already do that. Stamp collecting............boring. Ok, I give up. The hell with hobbies.

Thought about how much a cleaning service would cost while vacuuming the house on Thursday.

Wondered if there's any sun on the west side because it appears to be raining in my neck of the woods.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

May the 4th Be With You......

Monday, May 03, 2004

Ok, Enough With The Bugs Already....

As if the roaches weren't enough, last night was termite night.....

It was humid, no wind. And they decided to swarm in the kitchen. And ended up dead in the kitchen sink.

At least cleanup was easy. Just turn on the water and rinse 'em down the drain.

What next? I'm still trying to get rid of the ants that have taken up residence in the kitchen to escape from all the rain we've been having.

Just one of the pleasures of living in paradise.....

Saturday, May 01, 2004

The Most Exiciting Thing That Happened To Me This Week....

...I banged my thigh into a chair and fell on the floor while being chased by a flying roach.

It all started as I was getting something out of the refrigerator. A huge roach crawled out from under the frig and headed towards the cat sitting on the kitchen floor waiting to be fed and ran up the wall into the living room.

After I fed the cat I walked into the living room to hunt down the roach. I spotted it high up on the wall out of reach so got the roach spray and sprayed it. As I stood in the middle of the room it flew across the room to the other wall. I went to get a slipper so I could smash the sucker.

That's when it flew straight for my head. I screamed and started running. I smacked my thigh on the corner of a chair and fell on the floor. My cat came running to see what the hell was going on. And there I was flailing on the floor. Totally freaked out that the roach was in my hair or something.

It wasn't. It was back on the wall. And beginning to feel the effects of the roach spray as it drunkely flew around. I stayed out of it's way until it was within reach and smashed it with the slipper. Ewwwwwww!

By the end of the night there were 5 dead roaches in the trash. The big kine - we call em B52's.

The Next Night.....

There were two more. Ugh.

It's times like this I want to get a hotel room so I can sleep without imagining roaches attacking me in bed.

My Thigh....

...amazingly there is no bruise on my thigh. It hurts in that spot but no black 'n blue. Yet.

Remind me to tell you about the time I baked a roach while preheating the oven and thought the stink smell was my neighbors cooking fish.............