Monday, August 25, 2003

More stuff you don't want to know about me.......

24) I never went to my junior or senior high school prom. (It was the early 70's - proms were uncool).

25) I have green eyes.

26) I have a very sarcastic sense of humor.

27) I was born in the year of the horse.

28) I don't smoke.

29) I hate the color yellow.

30) I have a shoe fetish.

31) And a purse fetish.

32) And an earring fetish.

33) Each one of my ears is pierced twice.

34) I don't have any other body piercings - but I've always wondered what it would be like to have one of my nostrils pierced.

35) Brussel sprouts are gross.

36) I paint my toenails but rarely my fingernails.

37) I don't like Oreos.

38) Or onions.

39) I am more sensitive than people think I am.

40) My first car was a 1972 VW bug. I paid cash for it.

41) My second car was a Mazda 323. I financed it.

42) My current car is a 1995 Ford Explorer 4x4. I paid cash for it.

43) I wore braces for 2 1/2 years. I got them off 3 1/2 years ago. I still wear my retainers at night. (Hey, braces cost me $4,000).

44) I had mononucleosis in the 6th grade.

45) I've seen a volcano erupt.

46) I've been through a hurricane.

47) When I was younger I did a lot of illegal drugs.

It was another beach weekend - we went both days. Ran some errands.

Tonight I worked out and I'm tired. Think I'll try to get to bed early.


Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Like an itch I can't scratch....

Now is probably not the best time to post. I'm feeling depressed. I'm beginning to seriously think it's time to move off this island. If my son weren't still in school I'd probably already be gone. It's just too dead here for me. There's never enough to do. The shopping sucks. There isn't enough cultural diversity. It's a beautiful place to live but.........I miss the energy of a big city. I miss people. Everyone here knows everyone else and everything about them. I prefer to be anonymous. People here know about me without knowing me. I don't like that. I don't really have any friends here. My best friend was killed in a car accident on Oahu in 1989. I can't even describe how much I miss her. We had so much fun together. She was one of a kind. So why did I move here you're probably wondering.........well, my boyfriend at the time was moving here and he asked me to move here. It's a long story - he actually was my ex-boyfriend who broke up with his girlfriend and we started seeing each other again. Only, two days after we arrived here I discovered he hadn't really broken up with her. we were, me, my son and our cat. We found a place to live, I found a job, and here we are. I'm completely bored with one of my jobs. It's not challenging enough. I like my other job but don't think I want to stay there forever. And there aren't any men here I'm attracted to. They all seem to be too young or too old for me. I'm a very private person. I'm not easy to get to know. And I'm very picky about who I let into my life. The "heartbreaker" said I was a very mysterious woman. And when I think about it what he said is true. And that's another thing.....the "heartbreaker" is gone. The project he was working on for 11 months is finished and he's left the island. Wouldn't you know that the one man I was attracted to who was attracted to me would only be here temporarily? I still don't understand why he never called me after that one night we met. How can you ogle someone for 8 months, point her out to the guy you're with whenever you see her, meet her, have a great time together talking, kissing, etc., and then just completely drop the ball? I don't understand how the male mind works. At least call and say hey, sorry but I'm too chicken to pursue this thing with you so blah, blah, can you men just leave us women hanging like that? I don't get it. We have feelings, we have emotions, and our hearts get broken. Well, his initials are FCS and I've concluded they stand for fucking chicken shit. I told you this wasn't a good time for me to post, being depressed and all, but what the heck, I got a lot off my chest. So maybe I'll remove this post later but right now who the f--- cares................

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

4-Day Weekend........

I'm getting kinda excited. I may have a 4-day weekend coming up at the end of the month. School is out on the Friday before Labor for one of those teacher work days or whatever they call it. I could try and find someone to stay with my son that day or I could take it off. Because I work kinda like on a freelance basis I don't get sick time, holidays, vacation, etc. So if I don't work I don't get paid. The last Friday of this month is in a different billing period than the Labor Day holiday so the two unpaid days would be on separate checks. Now I just need to do some number crunching to see if I can afford to take off two days with no pay. But it's really tempting because it would be like a mini-vacation........

More stuff about me that you probably don't care about anyway:

21) I've been a vegetarian for about 15 years.

22) I'm a one-man woman. When I'm in love with a man I'm not interested in anyone else. (Currently I'm a zero-man woman....but I'm looking, believe me, I'm looking).

23) I got fired from two jobs in a row. The first one was co-run by someone I used to work with at a previous job where we were both in middle management. She had staff members walk off the job more than once. After I went to work for her I understood why. What a bitch! She got cancer and passed away a couple years ago. The second firing was at a property management firm. My supervisor was a loud mouthed, noisy, abrasive white trash mainland haole bitch. I was going to quit but wanted to have another job lined up before I did. I didn't so went back on unemployment.

To be continued............

Monday, August 18, 2003

More things about me:

11) I finished kindergarten and first grade in one year.

12) I was very, very shy as a child & teenager.

13) In 8th grade (or was it 7th?) I purposely misspelled the word "bouquet" during our class spelling bee because I didn't like being in the spotlight.

14) I hate housework.

15) I prefer to nuke something rather than actually cook.

16) I've never had a broken bone but did fracture my toe once (actually my boyfriend at the time fractured it).

17) I was in labor for 48 hours with my son and he was born breech - both feet first. And he was 2 weeks early.

18) I once had two flat tires in one day.

19) I'm semi-psychic.

20) I like to be on top.

Ok, that's enough for now. More to follow in the future.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Ok, I'm healthy again.

It was a really lazy weekend. We went to the beach both Saturday and Sunday. I like getting outside on the weekends. I spend all week inside an office working and I really love to be outside in the fresh air enjoying this beautiful island. Today at the beach there were Portugese Man-of-war on the sand. We went swimming anyway and didn't see any in the water. I don't want to get stung by one of those. Oweee!

So call me lazy but I don't want to do the official 100 Things About Me so maybe I'll do 50. Or as many as I can think of....but not all right now. It's getting late and I need some sleep........

1) I'm a single parent.

2) My son was born with Down's Syndrome. He is now 19 years old.

3) When the ex-boyfriends mother found out she suggested I give him up for adoption. I told her I could never do that to something I nurtured and carried inside my body for nine months. I haven't seen or spoken to her since.

4) I love the ocean. I'm not really a water person but when I visited a friend of mine in Texas for a month I felt trapped by all the land I was surrounded by. That might sound weird because people usually feel trapped when they are surrounded by water. But if you were born and raised surrounded by water you know what I mean. (PS - I hated Texas).

5) My favorite candy bar is Baby Ruth, next is Kit Kat. I pretty much love anything chocolate.

6) I have one older sister.

7) I've been to Australia and Europe. I've also been to California.

8) I love flowers - mostly ones that smell a lot - pakalana, pua keni keni, tuberose, ginger, gardenia, you get the idea.

9) I want a truck - a big truck.

10) I wish Clinton was still president. George Bush is an idiot.

That's it for now. I'm hitting the sack.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Blogger - what are you doing? Whatever change you made has resulted in such a delay in getting into you that I gave up completely yesterday.

I have a cold. A head cold to be exact. Today at work my sinuses were so painful because of the air conditioning that I wanted to trade heads with somebody, anybody. One of my bosses (the one with chronic migraines) said she'd trade with me and my response was "Anybody but you!".

So....because I feel so shitty I won't be revealing all that info about me that I hinted at a few days ago. I just want to sleep through the rest of this cold. The problem is when I lay down that I get stuffed up and can't breathe - even with two pillows. I hate head colds............

Monday, August 11, 2003

the price of paradise......

On the news this morning was an item about the price of gasoline in Hawaii. In Honolulu the average price of a gallon of regular gas, pump-your-own, self-serve is $1.89. That seems cheap to me. On Kauai the cheapest gas I've heard about is $2.17 for pump-you-own regular. I paid $2.21 per gallon this morning. Pumped it myself. Cost me $31.50 to fill my tank. And you wonder why everyone on this island has a minimum of 2 jobs.........

I may be showing my age here but I can recall when I was a child that at the "service" station my parents patronized when you pulled in for gas you didn't even have to get out of your car. They cleaned all the windows, checked the oil and pumped the gas. When my parents got their car serviced the station would send two guys to our house in a truck to pick-up the car. When the servicing was done they would deliver the car back to our house. Now that's what I call service. The service station was called Hi-Land Service in Aiea Heights on Oahu. Everyone was on a first name basis. Sadly, a number of years ago they sold out. There's still a gas station (with a convenience store) there but it's just not the same.

Another fond memory I have is when the dairy would deliver milk to our house. Jerry was the name of the driver. He would actually come in the house and put the milk in the refrigerator. Life was so much simpler then. We never locked out doors during the day, only at night.

But getting back to the original subject, on Kauai we pay 20-30 cents more per individual item than what people pay in Honolulu for just about everything. Why? Because just about everything has to be barged over here or flown in. Shipping costs are expensive. That's the price of living in paradise.

I've decided that it's time to reveal more about myself on this blog. Since no one reads it anyway it doesn't really matter. But I have some stuff to do first so I'll be back later........

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

96 degrees in the shade..........

Ok, it wasn't 96 but it was hot in paradise today. When I came home for lunch my house was like an oven. I turned on all the fans and that helped but someone was burning rubbish and the smell was all over. I can't believe the powers that be on this island allow garbage to be burned. True, there are no-burn days but we're selling paradise here. Do you think tourists want to come here to this beautiful green island and smell garbage burning? I don't think so. I know our landfill is filling up rapidly (it's jokingly called Kekaha Heights) but there has to be another way to get rid of trash rather than allowing residents to burn it. Anyway, moving on......

Heartbreaker spotted........

I think I saw the "heartbreaker" today after work. It looked like he was with one of the guys he works with (his boss?). I was sitting at a stoplight after picking up my mail at the PO and they drove by. It made me really sad to see him. It's better that I don't see him at hurts a lot less. Damn this island for being so small and having one highway going around it. Inevitably you see several people you know on the road on a daily basis.

Chores are calling........then I'm heading to bed.

It's cookin in paradise.........

8 AM in the morning and it's 85 degrees outside.

Are you into feet? You can vote for the best looking feet at They've narrowed it down to 10 finalists.

Heading for work.....BBL

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Lowdown on the weekend........

It was mostly a beach weekend. Do I have the most boring life or what? It's always a beach weekend. What else is there to do on this island. I mean, we even go to the beach when it's cloudy for christ's sake. Saturday was our favorite beach, Salt Pond. Aptly named as the Hawaiians actually harvest salt there. For some reason unbeknownst to me the water at this particular beach is very salty. If you get out of the water and don't shower or wipe yourself off, when you are dry and rub your hand over yourself you actually have a layer of salt on you.

Then on the way home we stopped at Glass Beach. So named because the ocean off this beach used to be a dump (cars, glass, dishes, you name it). Mixed in with the sand is glass and pieces of pottery. There are also car parts, etc washed up on the rocks. This time of year the glass on the beach is mostly smaller pieces. In the winter when the big surf is on the North Shore the beach is larger pieces of glass. It's amazing how much glass there is on the beach. And it's all smooth because it's been tumbled by the ocean for years. Swimming at this beach is not a good idea because of sharp objects in the ocean. On the hillside overlooking the beach is an old Japanese cemetery. We've walked through the cemetery several times and some of the headstones are carved out of lava rock. There is a small building with an alter for burning incense and leaving offerings.

Today was errand day, then the beach again (living on this island you gotta love the outdoors - hiking, beach, fishing, hunting, surfing, bodyboarding, snorkeling, off-road 4-wheeling, moto-x, rodeo, etc). We tried for Salt Pond again but it was too cloudy so we ended up at Maha'ulepu. This is an untouched stretch of beach just beyond the Poipu Bay Golf Course (home of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf - Tiger Woods usually plays this). It was mostly sunny there today and there were several people para-sailing. It's close to CJM Stables which offers horseback rides. While we were there about 6 people on horses went by on their way back to the stables.

So that's my exciting weekend in paradise.

I'd like to say there was wild sex, crazy parties, etc., but that doesn't seem to be my lifestyle anymore. Now when I was younger and didn't have a child.....someday those stories will be told.

Stay tuned............

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Quiet as a mouse......

There's a mouse living under the cupboards in my kitchen. I first saw it about a year ago. My sister was here visiting. I saw a blur along the floor. What the hell was that I asked my sister. She didn't see it. I had noticed that something was gnawing on the bananas in the bowl on the counter. And that might explain why I was finding partially eaten dry cat food in the corner of the kitchen along the wall where the cat food was. Then I started seeing it more and more. Running along the counter when I turned the lights on late at night, scampering behind the oven when I walked in the kitchen.....

I have a theory as to how the mouse got in the house. My frig had been acting up and I ran into my neighbors at Sears one day. They were buying a new frig. They asked me if I wanted their old one - a side-by-side. So I said sure cuz mine was tempermental about freezing. I think the mouse hitched a ride in on their old frig.

I don't have the heart to bait and set a mousetrap. I have no problem smacking spiders, centipedes, roaches, flies, etc. But when it come to something bigger than that I just can't kill it. You would think the cat would have hunted it down by now. But he's too well fed or too lazy or both to bother with it. I'll have to find a humane way to trap it and then release it somewhere.