Sunday, August 17, 2003

Ok, I'm healthy again.

It was a really lazy weekend. We went to the beach both Saturday and Sunday. I like getting outside on the weekends. I spend all week inside an office working and I really love to be outside in the fresh air enjoying this beautiful island. Today at the beach there were Portugese Man-of-war on the sand. We went swimming anyway and didn't see any in the water. I don't want to get stung by one of those. Oweee!

So call me lazy but I don't want to do the official 100 Things About Me so maybe I'll do 50. Or as many as I can think of....but not all right now. It's getting late and I need some sleep........

1) I'm a single parent.

2) My son was born with Down's Syndrome. He is now 19 years old.

3) When the ex-boyfriends mother found out she suggested I give him up for adoption. I told her I could never do that to something I nurtured and carried inside my body for nine months. I haven't seen or spoken to her since.

4) I love the ocean. I'm not really a water person but when I visited a friend of mine in Texas for a month I felt trapped by all the land I was surrounded by. That might sound weird because people usually feel trapped when they are surrounded by water. But if you were born and raised surrounded by water you know what I mean. (PS - I hated Texas).

5) My favorite candy bar is Baby Ruth, next is Kit Kat. I pretty much love anything chocolate.

6) I have one older sister.

7) I've been to Australia and Europe. I've also been to California.

8) I love flowers - mostly ones that smell a lot - pakalana, pua keni keni, tuberose, ginger, gardenia, you get the idea.

9) I want a truck - a big truck.

10) I wish Clinton was still president. George Bush is an idiot.

That's it for now. I'm hitting the sack.


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