Tuesday, August 19, 2003

4-Day Weekend........

I'm getting kinda excited. I may have a 4-day weekend coming up at the end of the month. School is out on the Friday before Labor for one of those teacher work days or whatever they call it. I could try and find someone to stay with my son that day or I could take it off. Because I work kinda like on a freelance basis I don't get sick time, holidays, vacation, etc. So if I don't work I don't get paid. The last Friday of this month is in a different billing period than the Labor Day holiday so the two unpaid days would be on separate checks. Now I just need to do some number crunching to see if I can afford to take off two days with no pay. But it's really tempting because it would be like a mini-vacation........

More stuff about me that you probably don't care about anyway:

21) I've been a vegetarian for about 15 years.

22) I'm a one-man woman. When I'm in love with a man I'm not interested in anyone else. (Currently I'm a zero-man woman....but I'm looking, believe me, I'm looking).

23) I got fired from two jobs in a row. The first one was co-run by someone I used to work with at a previous job where we were both in middle management. She had staff members walk off the job more than once. After I went to work for her I understood why. What a bitch! She got cancer and passed away a couple years ago. The second firing was at a property management firm. My supervisor was a loud mouthed, noisy, abrasive white trash mainland haole bitch. I was going to quit but wanted to have another job lined up before I did. I didn't so went back on unemployment.

To be continued............


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