Sunday, February 29, 2004

So I've given up watching the Oscars (too, too boring) and now I'm on the computer. Ok, so Billy Crystal is kinda funny but Robin Williams was funnier. There are just too many award shows around these days and getting an award just doesn't have the same meaning it used to.

Actually, I prefer to watch the pre-award red carpet show with Joan & Melissa Rivers. I like to see what people are wearing. I have to admit that although everyone was gushing about Nicole Kidman's gown I thought it was pretty ugly and the color was horrible on her. She needs to wear brighter colors. And what the hell is it with Marcia Gay Hardin's hair? Please, take it down. I did think Catherine Zeta Jones looked nice.

Has anyone seen Lost In Translation? Leave me a comment and let me know if you liked it or not. I want to rent a movie this week but don't know which one.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Three Things....

...I am sick of hearing about:

1) Martha Stewart
2) Same Sex Marriage
3) Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ

Enough already!

I'm more concerned if there's going to be any sun for the weekend. It doesn't look like it as we've been having rain, thunder, rain, lightning and rain. Did I mention that we're having rain?

And I just checked the movie listings for this island thinking that maybe if it's a rainy weekend we would go to a movie. There really isn't anything worth seeing.

Guess I'll be at Blockbuster tomorrow.........

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Can Anyone Explain To Me............

....why I'm eating less and gaining weight?

I've been on a diet for about a month and my weight has only fluctuated about one lb up and down. And in the last two days I've gained two pounds. By eating less.

Unless....smelling food makes you gain weight. Every night I have to smell my neighbors dinner cooking. I'll be walking around the house with a clothespin on my nose. That should make the pounds just melt off.

Gotta Run....'s a big tv night. First there's Survivor All Stars, then The Apprentice and ER.

Ta Ta...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Ok, I'm Me Again...

I'm feeling much better today. Headache all gone.

But I still think Donald Trump is a rude man.

What The Hell Was That Flying Around My Room Last Night?

Last night I was awakened by something flying around my room. Something big from the sound of it. I threw off the covers and turned the light on. It was the hugest cockroach I have ever seen in this house. At least two inches long. So it flew into my closet and I ran and got a slipper intending to smash it. But it was too high and crawling around stuff stacked on the top shelf. So I said screw it and closed the closet door. This morning I was afraid to open the door but I had to get some clothes for work. No sign of the roach.

But I know when I least expect it that succer will come for me......

Monday, February 23, 2004

I'm Having A Bad Day..........

I just haven't been myself today. Normally I'm in a good mood. Today I feel down in the dumps and the headache that I felt coming on all day has arrived.

I just want to go to sleep and wake up and feel better. But I worked all day, went grocery shopping after work, worked out, sorted the laundry, scooped the poop out of the litter box, took the trash out, washed the dishes and now must nag my son to take a shower.

I think I'll take some extra strength tylenol....

I Could Never Work For Donald Trump.....

So I've been watching that show The Apprentice. It's amazes me how people could actually let themselves be portrayed this way on television. Each and every one of these people is a back stabbing traitor.

All for a chance to work for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a rude man. Notice at the end of each show in the boardroom how he constantly interrups people. I know, I know. It's only an hour show. But I could never work for a man who wouldn't let me finish my sentences or explain myself. It's rude. And I would never tolerate that in a boss. I would tell him off. Probably as I was being dragged out to the down elevator.

Mr. Trump - you are a rude person. And you are cruel. I don't care how rich you are. Have you ever thought about the people you've trampled to get where you are? You make me sick.

{Getting off soapbox}........

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Geez...I Hate Valentines Day.......

........because I don't have a valentine.

I was listening to the radio this morning and people were calling in and sending love to their spouses, kids, parents, cousins, aunties, made me so sick I had to put a cd on.

And I felt better until we were leaving the beach and turning back onto the highway.

Then I saw him. I'm sure now that it was him. At the time I didn't think it was. I thought it was just some guy who looked really hot.

You know - bandanna, sunglasses, unshaven, nice arm muscles on the arm hanging out the window holding onto the mirror.

And he was looking at me. And I was looking at him. He didn't wave or acknowledge that it was me. I didn't wave or acknowledge that it was him.

But I wanted to jump in his lap and.....well, you know.......

Then there was a break in the traffic and he turned down the road I was exiting and I turned onto the highway.

Damn, I could be his valentine if he so much as winked at me.

But he didn't.

We just went our separate ways.

It's still hard for me to acknowledge that he hasn't called me. I think I've given him all the signals I can.

I hate Valentines Day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Who's Bad............

I left work today so the Roadrunner tech could fix my internet problems.

They successfully fixed the weak signal that was responsible for me not being able to connect to the internet.

Then they tried to figure out why I wasn't able to use Google, Excite or Yahoo to search. Or why I couldn't access half the websites I have bookmarked. After an hour and a half they were still stumped and gave me the number of tech support to call for help.

So after they left.............I went to the Roadrunner Member Services page, clicked on Microsoft Security Advisor and downloaded the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 update.

And guess what?

Now I can search using Google, Excite and Yahoo. And I can access all the websites I bookmarked over a week ago which I haven't been able to access.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of web surfing and catching up of blogs to do.

Just one question...........

Who's Bad?

Monday, February 09, 2004

What Else Was Good.........

The Black Eyed Peas singing Where Is The Love. I just hope they can follow that song up with one just as good and not be another one hit wonder.

Also, Earth, Wind & Fire rocked!.

I didn't watch the end of the Grammy's as I switched to The Surreal Life. That show is interesting. I want to see Traci Bingham's boobs. They are so huge and so out of proportion to the rest of her body. And did you see her fiance? They make a strange couple.

I'm really surprised by how much I like Tammy Faye. She's so sweet. Kinda like everyone's mom.

Outta time. I'm off to work.......

Sunday, February 08, 2004

So Far, The Best Thing..........

....about the Grammys are the 7UP commercials.

I like No Doubt. Not all of their songs but most of them. And I can't believe that Underneath It All won a grammy. The first time I heard that song I thought it was crap. And every time I've heard it since I've thought the same thing. It's still crap.

And Alicia Keys singing was shitty.

And please.....Sean Paul singing Roxanne with Sting. That sucked. And I do not like that song Senorita that Justin Timberlake sang..........and I can't get past the way he looks. Is he ugly or what?

Either I'm getting old or music today has gone to the doodoo pot.

But I do think Christina Aguilera has an incredible voice and I like her music. But she looks much better with blonde hair.

Stay tuned for more critique as the evening continues..........

Friday, February 06, 2004

Blogger, I Missed You.......

Finally....I haven't been able to get into blogger since 1/31. I don't know if it's my switching ISP's or a problem with blogger. I also haven't been able to access a whole bunch of websites that I had no problem getting to with my previous ISP. I just kept getting that message "The page cannot be displayed" and "Cannot find server or DNS error" at the bottom of the page. So if some of you bloggers out there have noticed that your visit counts are down it's probably because I haven't been able to get to you.

Although I don't post that often, and when I do it's pretty boring stuff, I do read other people's blogs on a regular basis. And I've missed you guys. Even tho we've never met and don't know each other I've missed reading about you and your lives. I guess it just illustrates how little of a life I really have. Which is really my choice. I've always been somewhat of a loner and have never really had that many really close friends.

Please, No Bad Luck This Time.........

My aunt is visiting Kauai and tomorrow we are getting together to do some sightseeing. We're going to head to the North Shore, have lunch and cruise.

Last time she was here visiting my camera died right after taking a picture of her and my son at Menehune Fishpond. Thinking it was the camera battery we headed to Longs via the KMart parking lot where I picked up a 3" long screw in one of my tires. It didn't go flat but I did have to buy a new tire shortly after that. So I'm hoping I don't have any bad luck on this visit.........