Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Who's Bad............

I left work today so the Roadrunner tech could fix my internet problems.

They successfully fixed the weak signal that was responsible for me not being able to connect to the internet.

Then they tried to figure out why I wasn't able to use Google, Excite or Yahoo to search. Or why I couldn't access half the websites I have bookmarked. After an hour and a half they were still stumped and gave me the number of tech support to call for help.

So after they left.............I went to the Roadrunner Member Services page, clicked on Microsoft Security Advisor and downloaded the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 update.

And guess what?

Now I can search using Google, Excite and Yahoo. And I can access all the websites I bookmarked over a week ago which I haven't been able to access.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of web surfing and catching up of blogs to do.

Just one question...........

Who's Bad?


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