Less Than 24 Hours To A Three Day Weekend.....
My List of Things To Do This Weekend
1. Change my template back to the old one
2. Give myself a pedicure
3. Vacuum my car
4. Go to the beach at least once a day
5. Run errands
6. Clean out the rain gutters (seriously-weeds have sprouted)
7. Scrub the shower, sinks and toilet
8. Disconnect my long distance service. Need to cut expenses. Will use my cell phone for long distance calls.
9. Download a new ringtone for my cell.
10. See how many of the above I accomplish.
We got haircuts today after work and went grocery shopping. When I commented to the cashier how crowded Safeway was he said it was probably because of the strike. I had completely forgotten that Young Bros. was going on strike. Good thing I got groceries today. I may go back tomorrow.
Then I said to the cashier that shopping was bad enough on this island without a strike. And he said, yeah, the tourists should bring their own food instead of buying ours.
I totally agree with that. Because just about everything has to be barged or flown here, more often than not, the shelves are empty. Unless you get there right after the container has been unloaded.
I'll definitely be watching the 10 o'clock news to find out what's happening.