Sunday, July 11, 2004

Technically Challenged.......

It's taken me awhile to figure out how to get photos in here but I finally spent some time and did it. So here's a couple photos. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about posting a photo of my son and myselt on the internet but what the heck......everyone else does it.

The monk seal photo is from February of 2003. That's taken at our favorite beach - Salt Pond. We try to get there at least once a week and we were just there on Saturday. I think we saw some of the RIMPAC exercises taking place. There were a couple military helicopters flying offshore towards Niihau and two navy ships sailing back and forth.

Today we went to Baby Beach. It must have been high tide because you couldn't even see the reef which usually sticks up out of the water. The current was super strong today and you had to fight it the whole time you were in the water. I just planted my feet in the sand and leaned against it. Kinda like leaning into the wind at the Pali Lookout. tomorrow. But it pays the bills.........


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