Saturday, July 03, 2004

Things I've Accomplished - Day One...

1. Changed back to the old template
2. Went to the beach today
3. Cleaned out the rain gutters

Comments on the above:

Blogger Sucks - I shouldn't complain because it's free. I'm back to using blogger comments. I installed, uninstalled and reinstalled the Haloscan comments code but it just doesn't seem to work. I give up. I've also installed, uninstalled and reinstalled the sitemeter code and that doesn't work either. What the ....? This is totally frustrating.

Got sunburnt today. Amazingly the beach was not crowded. People must be doing fourth of July stuff. Whatever that is. I'm clueless, we went to the beach.

You would not believe the stuff I got out of the rain gutters. There's an entire ecosystem up there. Dirt, moss, plants, who knows what. Actually the moss is cool but what the hell is it doing in the rain gutters? I don't have a ladder tall enough to actually see into the gutter so I was blindly grabbing stuff and pulling it out. That was scary. Considering we get centipedes in the house. I just killed a four inch one the other morning in my son's room.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's accomplishments.

PS - Wouldn't you know after I publish this post the sitemeter icon appears. Why don't they tell you that you have to publish something for it to appear......grrrrrrrrr.......


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