More Weird Dreams........
...another weird dream last night. No clue now what it was about but when I woke up this morning (once again, suddenly and very alert) I knew. But I couldn't post about it cuz I had stuff to do. You know, like shower, eat, put on makeup, get dressed, go to work, etc., kind of stuff. And get my son ready and taken to school.
Must be the planets or something cuz I've read on several other blogs about people having weird dreams lately. Well, of course, unless one person wrote about having a weird dream and another person read it and decided to blog about their dream that they didn't actually have but needed something to blog about.
Different subject - work today was bearable because my boss was on another island for some meetings. Didn't have to put up with her working in her pajamas until noon, with unbrushed teeth (P.U.) and farting in the office (double P.U.).
I think it was hippie night at the laundromat. 90% of the people there were hippies and boy do they smell. And, man are they dirty.
24 is on now so I think I'll check it out. Last time it was on it was boring. The plot was just not exciting and the relationships between people just weren't happening.