Saturday, January 31, 2004

Not As Easy As I Thought......

A couple days ago I switched from DSL to RoadRunner. I didn't plan the move well. I've completely lost my email address book. Not that I email all that many people but there were some addresses in there I wish I had now.

And I've been spending way too much time recreating my favorites. But I'm getting there, slowly.

Where Did The Time Go?

Yesterday was my son's 20th birthday. We celebrated by getting a pizza at Pizza Hut and renting a movie at Blockbuster. It's been way too long since I've had Pizza Hut pizza and I forgot how good their pizza is. We just got a plain cheese pizza but it was incredible. The crust was soft and chewy and it was the best pizza I've ever had in my life. I guess my taste buds were just ready for it because I''m seriously considering getting pizza for dinner every night. I wonder how long it would be before I got sick of pizza.

We also had cake and ice cream. Okay, I had cake and ice cream. My son doesn't like sweets or desserts. I made an orange cake from a mix and frosted it with cream cheese frosting from a can. It was surprisingly delicious. Especially with vanilla ice cream. Which I am now out of. Gotta put that on the grocery list.

Cloudy, Sunny, Cloudy, Sunny, Make Up Your Mind Already........

The beach.......okay, it was more cloudy than sunny but what are we gonna do? Stay home and watch tv? Boring. Or, god forbid, clean. No way.

We did see a bunch of dolphins jumping in the water. And I did see one whale way out that came practically entirely out of the water. So we stuck around the whole time it was cloudy and around 3 pm it got sunny.

So - tomorrow, more beach. But maybe closer to home.

Monday, January 26, 2004

What Day Is It?

That's the question I was asking myself when my alarm went off this morning. First I thought it was still the weekend and couldn't understand why my alarm was going off. Then I thought I worked yesterday but couldn't remember where so couldn't figure out where I was supposed to work today.

It took me about two minutes to sort through this and then I realized it was Monday.

That never happens to me. I always know what day it is when I wake up.

We're With The FBI...

Those were the words I heard this morning at the jewelry store. I saw on the monitor there were two young men flashing badges and asking the salesperson if we had a ring for a certain person. It was hard to believe they really were FBI because they were dressed so casually. Not like on TV where they wear suits.

It turns out they had a court order to seize a ring one of the designers had in her possession that was given to her husband by someone who had raided the studio of a person who had bilked investors out of $2.1 million. Apparently he was given the ring as partial payment for the money he lost.

She told them she had the ring but they would have to talk to her husband. And they said, "You're refusing to turn the ring over to us?" Then they showed her a federal court order.

She gave them the ring and asked them to speak with her husband.

Meanwhile we're watching the monitor and listening to this conversation from the back office. The other owner is in disbelief that she would be in possession of stolen property and have it at work. She's like "just give them the ring".

So that was my morning excitement.

Big Blowout.....

The afternoon peace was shattered by a huge bang from the highway that runs past the center the store is in. And then we hear a bunch of noise which turns out to be a blown tire on a huge dump truck as it barrels past. People eating at tables at the restaurant across from us have their eyes glued on the street. The people in the real estate office across from us come out of their office and watch the truck going by. Everyone is like what the heck is that and hoping the truck doesn't crash into something. Fortunately the truck driver kept control and pulled over.

And this happened not too long after I told the salesperson we needed some more excitement to follow-up on our morning excitement.

Weekend Happenings........

It was mostly a beach weekend (again). I saw the heartbreaker's truck near the beach we go to. Looks like he went on an air tour of the island. When he got back he drove down the road to the beach but turned back towards the highway. I'm pretty sure he saw my car parked on the sand and my son and I on the beach but may not have realized it was us. Even if he did he probably wouldn't have driven over and said hi.

The next day we saw whales not too far from shore. I was beginning to wonder where they were but the last couple of weekends I've been seeing them. They should be in Hawaiian waters for a couple more months before they head back up north.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

False Alarm.....

The little bitty tickle thing in my throat never developed into anything. Whew! I thought for sure I was gonna get that awful whatever it was that was going around that people have had for a month.

Having said that I hope I haven't jinxed myself again.

Heartbreaker Sighting.....

After I took my son to school this morning I was stuck in traffic on my way to the PO. Guess who I saw going in the opposite direction?

Who I think also saw me.


The heartbreaker.

In a way I'm glad that he moved so that we don't pass in traffic as much as we used to.

Not that I don't want to see him. It's just that it hurts to see him knowing he's still here and hasn't called me.

When I don't see him then I can make believe that he's left on another job somewhere else and that's why he hasn't called me. Does that make sense? It does to me.

I still don't understand why he never called me..........and probably never will.

Drunk Calling.....

Last week the ex called me about the message I left him. I told him his present was still in the frig if he wanted to come pick it up.

He hasn't shown up yet.

The next morning when I turned on my cell phone I had a message.

I retrieved the message and it was about 3 minutes of unintelligible drunk conversation, joking and laughing. Mostly a bunch of drunk laughing. I'm pretty sure it was the ex partying with friends. The only words I could make out clearly were "Hey, no bang the f______ truck".

It was so funny I was giggling the whole time I listened to it. I let my girlfriend listen to it and she giggled the whole time too.

Never Drop A Brand New Laundry Detergent Bottle On It's Cap.....

........cuz the cap might break and spill detergent on the carpet, your feet and the doormats.

And if this happens when you're home for lunch and hurrying to load the laundry in the car, keep the cat from sneaking out the door, make lunch & eat it, then brush your teeth, touchup your makeup and get back to work then factor in some time for being late back to work.

I know this because it happened to me.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Did I Jinx Myself?

Everyone around me has been sick for the past month. People I work with, live next door to, etc. And I haven't had a thing, except for a little sneezing that I attributed that to the cold weather we've been having. I know, I know, 58 degrees is nothing compared to what some people are experiencing but that's damn cold for Kauai. And it does warm up to 78 during the day.

But, I think I jinxed myself. On Wednesday I finally mentioned to a co-worker that I've managed to stay healthy throughout everyone else's ailments. And I mentioned it again yesterday to a different coworker.

Guess what? When I woke up this morning I kinda sorta had a little bitty tickle thing going on in my throat. And my head is starting to feel like it's drifting somewhere above my body. And my ears are ringing.

Oh no..........

Screw it.....we're going to the beach anyway.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

I Swear I Have Things To Post.....

I just can't seem to remember any of them when I get on the computer.

But, I have become addicted to The Apprentice. And I'm so glad Celebrity Mole is back.

Now......I'm off to watch ER, wash dishes, etc., etc.,

I promise to post something soon. Really, I promise.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Party of One

I'm in the mood to party. But I ain't got no one to party with............bummer.


Have you ever tried Fried Nori?

It's actually pretty good. I pigged out on it last night. Then I ate 3 oz. of chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Yummy!

Everyone at work today was in a good mood. We must have been given happy pills in our sleep or something.

Two days to Friday.....

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

You Never Know When Your Time Will Be Up.....

Yesterday at work as I was talking to one of the designers we heard on the radio that Dr. Dean Thomas, a pediatrician at Kauai Medical Clinic, was reported as missing. The police department was asking for anyone with information on his whereabouts or the whereabouts of his truck to please notify them.

I said "That's my sons pediatrician".

Dr. Thomas has been my sons pediatrician for the last 4 years. We don't see him that often, only when my son has an ear infection or needs a physical. Sometimes we would run into him at Wal-Mart. He was an very well liked doctor. My son especially liked him because he took the time to talk story with him.

This morning's paper had a short article about his disappearance. The last time he was seen was at church in Lihue Sunday morning.

After work today I heard on the radio that his body had been found off Kokee Road. An autopsy was going to be performed to determine his cause of death. I ran into a friend of mine at the laundromat and we were talking about him. He was also her children's pediatrician.

I'm really sad about this turn of events. I don't know the circumstances of his death and I may never know them. But I do know that Kauai has lost a very talented, respected, loved physician. It will be hard to replace him. Rest in peace Dr. Thomas.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Happy Birthday To Me.....

Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone but today's my birthday. I'm now officially counting backwards.

But I do have a craving for some cake. Guess I'll have to eat the ex-boyfriends goodies that are still in the frig. He never did return my message which leads me to believe he never got it.......

We've been to the beach three out of the last four days. New Years Day we went to Salt Pond with my friend. Her daughter and grandsons are visiting from Washington state. Her son-in-law has been in Iraq since before Thanksgiving so as their Christmas present she brought them to Kauai. They leave in a few days but have been here for almost three weeks.

Yesterday we went to Baby Beach and today we went to Salt Pond then Glass Beach.

Just as we were walking onto glass beach I noticed a monk seal sleeping on the sand. We put our stuff down and I turned around and a tourist had just thrown a small stick at the monk seal. Then he threw another one, hitting the monk seal on the back. The monk seal looked up to see what hit it.

I walked over the to the man and told him what he was doing was against the law. That monk seals are an endangered species and you need to stay 100 feet away from them. He said he just wanted to see if it was alive and that "it's alright". I told him it was not alright and not to do it again. He and his wife wandered to the other end of the beach and set their stuff up there.

How stupid are people?

I can't believe he was throwing things at the seal. Why are people such assholes?

But I did get his license plate number. Just in case.