please tell me why......
trials and tribulations of a broken hearted woman
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Nina, Come Home....

This is Nina. She lives next door. I took this picture of her yesterday afternoon in my yard. When I came home for lunch today my neighbor asked me if I'd seen her today. I told her I hadn't. Which is unusual because she's usually sleeping under one of the cars in the driveway. The last time she was seen was last night. She's a sweetie but not too bright. She has a bald spot on the back top portion of her head because she climbed into a car engine once and burned her head. I just took the trash out and the only cat around is her sister, Tina. Nina, come home, everyone's worried about you and we miss you.
In other news, not only am I broke but now I'm overdrawn at the bank. Space cadet me forgot to record a check in the check register. So I was at the bank first thing this morning to deposit the $100 bill that I've had in my wallet for the past two years in case of an emergency.
And, last but not least, my son is healthy but now I'm getting sick. Sore throat, drippy nose, fever. Bah!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
$7.00 in the grass on the side of the road by Pakala's today.
My son had one word about the find - McDonald's.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Seven Years, People, Seven Years.....
1) My son is still sick. I took him to his day program anyway. He has an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.
2) On the way to work I had to stop near Kapahi Park while a loose horse crossed the street.
3) I saw a guy in Kapaa wearing a tie. In the six years I've lived here this is the first time I've seen someone wearing a tie.
4) I layed something down on my dresser and when I grabbed it and walked away it caught on a mirrored tray which fell onto a small silver bowl that was sitting on top of it and broke. The mirrored tray used to belong to my grandmother. She kept it on her dresser. Now I'm going to have seven years bad luck.
5) My cat just threw up a hairball and some food. I picked him up and put him on the tile floor in the kitchen and when he tried to walk all four of his feet went out from under him and he collapsed on the floor. So I went over to him and he was making growling noises. I was petting him and couldn't tell if he was growling or purring.
It's been a weird day.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Lack of posting......
is due to having a boring life. Most of my life consists of work, running errands, sleeping, eating, going to the beach, and.....and that's about it.
Last weekend after the beach we intended to go for a walk at Pakala's but there was a south swell and lots of cars parked on both sides of the road so we just kept driving and ended up driving up to Koke'e. It's been a couple years since we were up there. It was late afternoon and the weather was clear and sunny with a few clouds floating in the sky. The thimbleberries are not quite ripe for picking. I'd say another week and they should be ready. It was several degrees cooler at this elevation which felt good after being at the beach. Here's a shot I took with my cameraphone:

The company I used to work for has the lease on a cabin off one of the dirt roads near Koke'e Lodge and when I still worked for them I stayed at the cabin 3 or 4 times. It was rustic but hardly a cabin. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining/living room with huge stone fireplace with doors on either side that opened onto the yard that sloped down to a stream. Really a beautiful atmosphere and peaceful and quiet. Once when I was there the ginger was blooming and I cut several stalks of flowers and put them in a huge vase in the bedroom. There was also what I think was a yellow iris blooming near the stream. And beautiful blue hydrangeas along one side of the house. One day I'd like to rent one of the state cabins for the weekend. Back in 1959 we (my mom, sister, grandmother, grandfather and I) stayed up at Koke'e for two weeks in two different cabins. We barged our station wagon over from Oahu. Hurricane Dot hit Kauai while we were up there and because of downed trees on the road it was a couple days before we could drive down the mountain. I don't remember too much of the actual hurricane but do remember lots of driftwood at Kekaha beach afterwards.
So, back to reality. I've been home all day with my son who is sick. He's had a fever since Monday night and started throwing up about 12:30 am Wednesday morning. I took him to work with me on Wednesday for half a day because I had to do payables and since the owner who usually does payroll was on vacation I had to do payroll also. He seemed better on Thursday so he went to his day program and I worked all day. But this morning he threw up in the car so we turned around and came home. I've got cabin fever. If it wasn't for the internet I would be totally crazy. Tomorrow we have to get out of the house or I will be a complete basket case.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Another Day, Another Dollar.....
I've been such a slug today. Woke up, made pancakes for breakfast, took a shower, turned on the tv.....oh-oh, big mistake...because I spent about the whole day planted on the couch getting hooked on a show called Blow Out on Bravo. And the 2nd season premiers Tuesday night and you know I'll be tuned in. Then later I watched a movie with Marlo Thomas and my gawd, what the hell has happened to her face? I mean, her face looks like it died. I know she's old but wtf? Her skin is all creepy old looking and her nose is starting to look like Michael Jackson's. Maybe they have the same plastic surgeon and he only knows how to make a nose look one way.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago I was at the laundromat and 40 cents fell from the ceiling onto the floor. I kid you not. I looked around to see if someone had thrown it but it fell from the ceiling. Totally weird. So before I left I picked it up and put it in my pocket.
Yesterday we went to Salt Pond and there was a south swell so the water was a little rough. It was super windy and a windsurfer had to be rescued by one of the lifeguards. He had to paddle out against the waves, tie the guys board to his and paddle back in with the guy in tow.
One of my bosses moved a week and a half ago. She sold her townhouse and bought a house about 5 minutes from where I live. Bamboo flooring, stainless steel appliances, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Neither of the bathrooms has a medicine cabinet. Nor do they have towel racks. The only place to put towels is the rack on the sliding shower door. As near as I can tell the name of her street translated into english means stinky mound.
Friday is Kamehameha Day and my son's day program is closed which means I have to take the day off. I could find someone to stay with him for the day but it would cost me just as much as I make in a day so......3-day weekend. Woo Hoo! Pray for sun.....
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Why Shopping Sucks On Kauai.....
.....because sometimes you have to go to three stores before finding what you're looking for.
All I wanted was plastic spoons. Not forks, not the combo pack (forks, spoons, knives), just spoons. Yesterday Safeway was completely out of plastic spoons. Today K-Mart was completely out of plastic spoons. I finally found them at Star Market.