I Feel Naked.....
I dropped my son off at the airport at the ungodly hour of 6:30 AM yesterday morning. He went to Honolulu for the Special Olympics state games.
And I don't know what to do with myself.
I have all this free time and I'm not using it wisely....like barhopping and getting falling down drunk or whatever it is people do to entertain themselves when their kids aren't around.
Geez, I was ready for bed by 8:30 PM last night.
It kind of scares me that I'm not totally bummed that I'm not going out. Or taking advantage of this opportunity to......
Oh well.
I did go to the beach today. And I'll probably go to the beach tomorrow. I pick him up Sunday afternoon so we'll most likely go to the beach on Monday.
I did get a phone call from my mom telling me that he won 2 gold medals today. He has one more competition tomorrow.
But Officer...
Someone bashed in the rear window of my neighbors truck sometime today.
I noticed it when I got home from the beach. At the time I thought it was weird and wondered about it. When his girlfriend got home this afternoon she noticed it and called the police.
So two cop cars pull into the driveway and talk to her about it. Then I hear a knocking on my front door. One of the cops asks me if I saw any strange vehicles today. Nope. I told her I was gone from about 11 AM to 2:45, 3ish and noticed the broken window when I pulled in the driveway. She took my name & number. I did mention to her that I didn't notice at the time that the front hood was popped. Then she knocked on the front door of the back house. No one home.
This is really odd. We don't get strange cars or people on this property. It's kind of scary to think that someone would do this in broad daylight. And I wonder if anything was taken from the truck. The window has a hole in it but isn't completely bashed in so I don't know how they would get their arm in to take anything without getting cut.
All I know is it wasn't me.