Free Slippers....(or, as Kris would correct me, slippahs)
What I love about walking on Pakala's (aside from the fact that it's deserted and beautiful) is all the stuff you find washed up on the beach. Friday we found a pair of rubber slippers. I tried them on. A perfect fit. They now reside on the mat outside my front door.We also found a boogie board. We dragged it farther up the beach so it wouldn't wash back out to sea. It was still there on Sunday so we carried it to the path and left it there. We already have boogie boards. No need to be greedy. Someone will happen upon it and take it home.Another thing we found on Sunday was one of those one time use underwater cameras. I took a picture with it but the film wouldn't advance so we left it on a picnic table that's on the old Robinson property. It must have fallen off one of the Na Pali tour boats. There were already 18 exposures so someone will be bummed they lost it.Other things we have happened upon on the beach are golf balls, shells (obviously), single slippers, old tires, fishing floats and lots and lots of driftwood. My all time favorite find was a plastic bag with a candy bar and bottle of water in it. I ate the candy bar and used the water to wash my feet off.
Wild Orchid In My Front Yard...
Fall On Kauai.....
It looks more like spring than fall on Kauai. This is at the old Japanese Cemetary at Port Allen a few days ago.Although it's hard to tell when the seasons change in Hawaii if you've lived here for awhile you can tell. It gets dark about 6 pm now and there's a chill in the air if you step into the shade out of the sun.I like the cooler weather (except this weekend when there were no trades, we call it Kona weather because the wind, if there is any, comes from the south) but I wish the sun didn't set so early.
I was awakened by one of these crawling under my hand in bed last week.....
I haven't had a good nights sleep since.
Sunrise Over Sleeping Giant 110205
Here's a photo of the sunrise over Sleeping Giant I took a few mornings ago.Turns out the fire the other night was caused by the owner burning grass on his property. He thought he had all the hotspots out, went inside to eat dinner, they laid down to rest his back when a neighbor either called or came over to tell him about the fire. It destroyed a storage building and partially burned a garage on his property. Fire trucks from Kapaa, Hanalei, Lihue & Kalaheo responded. Four surrounding houses had to be evacuated because of smoke and sparks. It took an hour to get the fire under control. The next morning there were still wisps of white smoke coming from the debris. Maybe next time he should just mow or weedwack the grass.
Someone's House Burned Down Tonight.....I was at the computer and heard what sounded like a load of lumber being dumped. Then I heard what sounded like fireworks. Then I heard sirens. I got up to look out the window and saw fire through the neighbor's hedge. So I put my cat in the bedroom and ran to the house behind me and called my neighbor's name. She and her two daughters were home and came out. We stood in the driveway and watched a house totally engulfed in flames with thick black smoke and sparks flying in the breeze. Good thing we're weren't downwind. We continued to hear explosions. Every time there was an explosion the fire intensified. I live on a main drag and cars were stopping to watch the fire. My neighbor, Carol, got out her ladder and we took turns climbing it to watch the fire over the 10' high wall behind their house. It looked like a two story house was the one on fire. I could see the electric company working on the power lines across the street from the house. Maybe they were trying to cut power off to the house on fire. There's actually two houses and a road between it and my house. I think the sound I heard initially was either explosions or the top floor of the house collapsing. I can't believe how fast and intense the fire was. Almost two hours later I can still hear the engines of the fire trucks back there. I just looked out the window and there is still white smoke coming from the scene.Here's one of the pictures I took. It was dark by this time but there was still lots of black smoke and sparks billowing up. It was pretty breezy but blowing towards Lihue.
I hope no people or animals perished in the fire.