Necessity Is The Mother of Invention.......
Is there such a thing as slipper on a stick? Like on a broomstick?
Cuz I need one to smash the roach crawling on the wall above the counter in the kitchen. Seriously. You know how whenever you grab a slipper and try to smash a roach how it flies at you? This happened to me and I fell over a chair trying to get away from it. So I'm letting the roach do his thing tonight.
And I just turned around and the roach is gone. I hope it hasn't wandered around the corner into my bedroom.....
My Cat Loves Me So Much He Drinks My Bathwater......
When we lived in Honolulu he used to jump up on the 29-gallon aquarium and drink from that. Even tho he had fresh water in his own water bowl. Now he hops in the bathtub after I take a shower and laps up the puddles of water leftover. And he still has fresh water in his own water bowl. Sometimes I have to fill up the bathroom sink with water so he can drink from that.
No, my cats not spoiled.............
If you need a laugh, local style, check out this site:
It's been entirely too long since I wrote anything here. So why haven't I blogged lately? No reason in particular. Just been lazy. And the new tv season started so I've been checking out the new shows.
My son's funding finally kicked in and last week was the first week he's had a PA for after his day program. He actually has 3 PA's. I've met two of them so far. Thursday he had a substitute PA as the regular one was sick. Friday he had no PA (she was still sick) so I picked him up after his program. I like the PA's I've met so far. And he seems to be fine with both of them. At least I can get back to my regular work hours.
We've been having some rainy weather lately. Thursday I had to drive to the police department in Lihue to get a copy of the collision report to fax to my insurance agent. I just made it to my car before it rained cats and dogs. I had my wipers on full speed and it was still hard to see where I was going.
The beach today was beautiful. There was definitely a south swell as the water was rougher than usual. I was watching the Coast Guard C-130 flying overhead back and forth as it helped search for the missing tour helicopter. And there were no air tours leaving from Port Allen today. It's usually fairly busy with helicopters coming and going. Even from the beach you get whiffs of the fuel. But not today. And the company of the helicopter that was missing had a closed sign on the door as we drove past it in Hanapepe. After we got home I found out they located the crash site up in the mountains. With the weather we've been having lately it wouldn't surprise me if the rain & clouds made visibility nil.
And........I'm still considering getting a tattoo. But I need suggestions people.......c'mon, help a sistah out, leave a comment and let me know what I should get.......
This photo courtesy of 1st Sgt Dave Jobe via Stryker Brigade News......

That's Why It's Called No Fault.....
This week hasn't been the best. Headache three days in a row. Extremely hot weather and high humidity. And on Thursday someone backed into me leaving a dent and scraped paint on the driver side door. He didn't want the police called because he didn't want to get a ticket for oversize tires. I told him that wasn't my problem. So the police were called, report was filled out (which they don't give you a copy of) and I reported it to my insurance company. Now I'm waiting for the insurance adjuster to call so he can look at the car and give me an estimate.
I've been a total slug this week. But hot, humid weather does not inspire me to push a vacumn around my sauna of a house.
I'm outta here - gonna pack the cooler and head for the beach. Hope the water is cold & clear today. I need some cooling off.