please tell me why......
trials and tribulations of a broken hearted woman
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I Always Thought It Was Rude To Stare...
I got to work late this morning because I had an 8:30 am meeting about my son's annual day program. So instead of coming home for lunch I decided to eat at my desk and I called the Korean BBQ for take out.
I walked over to the restaurant (all of two doors away) to pick up my lunch. As I was standing at the counter I glanced over to the side to see who was in the restaurant. In the corner was a couple eating lunch. The guy was staring at me like haole, what you doing in here? I almost wanted to say what, bodders you? Instead I got my change and went back to work.
I ate half my lunch at work and I ate the other half for dinner tonight.
I have kim chee breath.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Missing In Action.....
It's been quite a while since I posted here. I got sick the Tuesday before Christmas. I still have some sinus issues and an cough. Despite being sick we had a really nice two days on Maui for Christmas. The weather was perfectly clear and "science city" at the top of Haleakala was visible for our entire visit. We spent most of our time upcountry in Makawao at my sister's and brother-in-laws house. It was quite cool up there and I wore a jacket most of the time to keep warm. Partly because I had the chills from being sick and partly because it was cold although sunny.
Work at job #2 has been crazy. Since one of the owners left I've been doing most of the accounting work she did in addition to payroll and inventory. I only agreed to take on payroll and inventory prior to her leaving so the rest of the work was a big surprise. I've had to figure out what it was, why it was done that way and how to do it. Some of this work had not been done since September although she left in mid November. Anyway, it's meant more hours which means more $. So I can't complain too much.
The property manager who manages the house I live in for the owners who live on the mainland called me last Wednesday to tell me that my rent would be going up as of 3/1 by $100. Apparently the county of Kauai sent out letters to owners who rent their property out a listing of what they consider affordable rent for the types of units rented. So the owner saw that she was below what is considered affordable and is increasing the rent. This sucks big time. My rent just increased by $250 in August 04 and now it's going up another $100.
Here's a picture of an orchid plant I have that is blooming. I had no idea it even had a bud until I was cleaning up some dead leaves the wind had blown around the pot. Not only is it beuatiful but it also has a very sweet smell.

I'm off to bed now. I slept like crap last night and I worked non-stop from 9 am until 6 pm today. It was a very productive 9 hours though.