please tell me why......
trials and tribulations of a broken hearted woman
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
If It Wasn't For Bad Luck.....
This was in my right front tire this morning.

For some reason my son always turns the radio volume down when I drop him off in the morning. For some reason I didn't turn it back up as I drove away. That's why I heard the sound of something in my tire. So I pulled over to check it out. Bummer. I drove to work and called Roadside Assistance. They came out and instead of putting the spare on, the guy pulled the screw out and plugged the hole. My fingers are crossed that the plug holds for a long time cuz a new tire would cost be around $200 and I really don't want to get deeper in debt.
Gas price update: Regular is $3.60 a week here.
Bridge update: Woo Hoo! The bridge opened last Friday. Don't have to take the scenic, roundabout way anymore. Travel time has been reduced by about 10 minutes each way. With the price of gas so inflated maybe I'll be using a little less now.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Not Much To Report.....
Since the new season started on tv I haven't been on the computer that much. Tropical depression Kenneth passed over the islands last weekend and we had some really cool thunder, lightning and rain. We couldn't get to the beach on Saturday but we did go on Sunday for a couple hours. On the way home I decided to check out the waterfalls and quickly got this shot. It's not very clear and the clouds were pretty low when we drove past. I can see these waterfalls from my house and drive this way at least 5 days a week. They are much more impressive in person. You can only see about 1/3 of the waterfall in this shot. They start at the top of the mountain and fall practically all the way down.

I really wanted to post more here but Lost is coming on and I don't want to miss it. After that is Invasion so I'll be pretty tied up the rest of the evening. Catch you tomorrow night. Let's see....Wednesday night, isn't Survivor on, then The Apprentice and I think there's something after that. Hmmmmm..........