please tell me why......
trials and tribulations of a broken hearted woman
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Where's My Vacation?
I need a vacation. I thought this week would never end. I know it was a regular ole 5-day work week but it felt like forever........Thursday my boss practically drove me to drink. Seriously. She gives me stuff to enter on the computer that didn't have all the information I needed (which she does on a regular basis) and then takes a phone call that lasts 45 minutes and the sound of her voice is driving me crazy and irritating the shit out of me and the info has to be in to meet a deadline and I have smoke coming out of my ears and I snapped at her when she got off the phone and she's mortified that I'm going to quit and leave her high and dry and I wish I could because she's a disgusting human being and on the way home I had to fight the steering wheel from turning into The Shack parking lot, marching into the bar and demanding a keg that I knew they had with my name on it. But I resisted the urge and ran my errands because I had to be home by 6:30 pm when my son gets dropped off and wouldn't you know that he was late getting dropped off and I actually could have stopped at the bar and drunken myself under the table not that I would do that anyway because I have a phobia about walking into a bar by myself unless I know someone I'm meeting there is already there because God forbid someone would think I went into a bar all alone by myself wanting to be picked up and will this sentence ever end...............
Whew, today I'm chillin at the beach and giving what's left of my brain a rest........
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
This is one of the horses we stop to visit occasionally. I don't know who owns the horse but there are usually other horses in the pasture with it. This horse likes to stand by the gate a lot (I think it's waiting for the owner to show up). Usually we have some bananas we feed the horses but not this time. It wouldn't even eat any grass.