Pictures from Christmas on the Big Island
On the road to our rental
Plant growing in the lava between the yard and the ocean
The Volcano House

Fern forest outside the lave tube

Getting our dose of sulphur
Fern growing in the lava

Halema'uma'u Crater in the Kilauea Caldera
Lei offering at Halema'uma'u
Halema'uma'u Crater
The cat that visited us every day at the house
Double rainbow on Christmas day
Hilo Bay from Coconut Island
Snow on Mauna Kea
(It was drippy with puddles on the ground)
Fern forest outside the lave tube
Getting our dose of sulphur
Keanakako'i Crater
The weather every day was windy, wet, rainy, drippy and cold with only patches of sunshine. We didn't see any whales, turtles or dolphins in the ocean. The waves pounded on the lava cliffs constantly. It sounded like thunder at night. I never want to vacation with my family again.
Each one of us has our own special needs - my mom uses a walker, my dad needs to be near a bathroom 24/7, my brother-in-law is a pain in the ass and spent all his time alternating between eating and sleeping. I got in a big blowout with my sister on Christmas day because I was tired of hearing she and her husband bicker constantly. She got totally pissed off and wasn't talking to me for awhile. Then when we got to the Hilo airport for our flights home she discovered she had lost her drivers license and went on a huge tirade about that. I'm the only normal one in the bunch. Even with all that I had a wonderful time but the next time I travel it will be only with my son.