Monk Seals at Nukoli'i

Saturday we ended up at Nukoli'i beach. We tried for Salt Pond but the whole west side was cloudy. Kinda defeats the purpose of beaching it. So we headed back to the east side and here's what we found. Two monk seals sleeping on the beach. One was obviously a youngster but the other one was a little bit older but still young. Certainly not big enought to be it's mother because after about 6 weeks they take off and leave their baby to fend for themselves. So it looks like these two youngsters were hanging out together. They were roped off and it looked like one of the staff from the hotel was watching over them. I used the zoom on my camera to take this shot. As they are protected by The Endangered Species Act you have to stay at least 150 feet away from them.
So today we went to Baby beach for a couple hours. The water was ice cold but refreshing after being in the hot sun.
Afterwards we ate lunch and I got my son an early Christmas present. His walkman died yesterday at the beach so today I bought him a new one.
Speaking of Christmas, I dont' have a tree up. And I haven't unpacked one single Christmas decoration. I just can't get in the mood. My son keeps asking me when the tree is going up and I keep saying later. (Like maybe next Christmas). And I haven't really done much shopping. I have no clue what to get anyone so my family is probably getting gift cards this year. They can buy their own darn present.