Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Here's How The Conversation Went....

I called the ex-boyfriends cell:

Ex: My love
Me: Hello?
Ex: Hello.
Me: I just walked past your car in the parking lot at Wal-Mart. Where are you?
Ex: Taking a nap.
Me: In your car?
Ex: Why didn't you come up to the car?
Me: Because I have to be at the airport in 10 minutes to pick up my son. I'm parked right down the aisle from you.
Ex: I'll be right there.
Me: Ok.
We both hang up.

Five minutes later I call his cell again and get voice mail. Did not leave a message.

One minute later I call him.

Ex: Hello.
Me: What's taking you so long? I'm right down the aisle from you in the parking lot.
Ex: I'm at home.
Me: What do you mean? Your car's right down the aisle from me.
Ex: I'll talk to you another day.
Me: Huh?
Ex: I'm seeing someone else.
Me: How long has this been going on?
Ex: Since the last time we were together.
Me: Is it the blonde I saw you talking to in the Big Save parking lot the night you didn't show up at my house to watch Monday night football?
Ex: No.
Me: Is it the brunette I saw you talking to when I was doing laundry a couple weeks ago?
Ex. No.
Me: It's someone else?
Ex: Yes.
Me: I guess I'll talk to you later.
Ex: Bye.

And I'm not even upset.

See, ever since the night he didn't show up at my house I've suspected he was seeing someone else. He hadn't stopped calling me but we hadn't been doing stuff together.

If he calls me now I don't think I'll answer the phone.


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