Sunday, September 21, 2003

Somebody didn't pray hard enough........

It was still orange. BUMMER! So, what the hell, we went to the beach.

When we got home I discovered I had another box of hair coloring under the bathroom sink. So first I did the patch test. You know, cut some hair off, let it soak in the solution for the allotted time. I cut some of the orange hair off to see how it would take the color. And it came out okay. So I mixed up the stuff, put it on my hair, ate a salad, then rinsed it off.

My hair is not exactly how I would like it to look but I guess I can live with it. The parts that were orange are now burgundy. They're still lighter than the rest of my hair but AT LEAST THEY AREN'T ORANGE!

Now.........I need everyone to pray real hard, every day, maybe twice a day, pretty please, that my hair grows extra super fast......


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