Monday, October 27, 2003

Who Wants My Money?

I decided to purchase a telephone from my phone company.

So I called them last week. The phones were out of stock and they told me to call back on Monday cuz that's when a shipment comes in. I asked why they couldn't take my order and ship me the phone when it arrives? Because they don't know what's in the shipment.


Most companies will take your order and ship you the item when it's in stock. Because they usually know what's in the shipment and when it's coming in. But not the phone company.

Do they not want my money?

I did see a phone I want at KMart but they are not offering a payment plan like the phone company. So I could have spent my money at KMart if I wanted to fork over the money all at one time.

Is my phone company just too big to care about customer service?

I would switch phone companies but they're the only ones that offer land lines in this state. Maybe that's why they don't really care whether I spend the money with them or somewhere else.

All I know is that if I was in business and someone called me with an order I'd take it. If the item was out of stock I would let them know when it was due to arrive. And I would keep them updated about it's arrival. And when it arrived I would let them know when it shipped to them. In other words, I would service my customers.

But I guess the phone company isn't all that interested in servicing their customers.

The cable company isn't that much better. I also called them because I hadn't heard about my digital box yet. Turns out the boxes had arrived but they hadn't gotten around to calling everyone yet. So I scheduled an appointment this week to have my digital box installed.

It's getting scary. Pretty soon there will one company that owns everything and we'll all be such little specks of dust to them they won't even care...............


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