So what do you do when the weather sucks and you can't go to the beach?
You go anyway.
First we vacummed the house and I scrubbed the kitchen sink. We've had Kona weather all week and it's been hot, hazy and humid. I decided we needed to get out of the house.
So we went to Nukoli'i. My son went for a swim while I walked down the beach.
As we were leaving some people showed up with their horses for a ride on the beach. My son was showering off when I turned back towards the beach and the horse on the right in the top photo was bucking riderless and heading towards the parking lot. She got as far as my car when a guy in a big white truck turned around and blocked her from getting any farther. It was pretty scary but the beach is fairly far enough away from the highway. And she had calmed down enough to stop and just stand there. Apparently something spooked her and she took off. I don't know if it was the ocean or something else. Her owner thanked the truck driver and walked her back to the beach. In the second photo she is being walked around to calm her down. We left after this so I don't know if they got their beach ride in or not.
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