This is Noa, my cat. He is the devil reincarnated. Don't let the innocent look fool you. He tried to murder me this morning.
I had just finished brushing my teeth. I stepped back to grab a towel and almost stepped on him. He jumped up. By then I was completely off balance and destined to crash. As I was going down my hand hit the floor and slipped under the door. I now have a nice big bump on my middle finger. I glanced over at Noa and he was standing there with his teeth bared. I thought he was coming in for the kill.
This is about the one zillionth time I have stepped back from either the kitchen or bathroom sink only to get entangled in the cat. His nickname is Stealth Cat because he sneaks up behind me and either sits or lay down about one foot from my feet. You'd think one of use would learn to 1) not lay one foot behind me or 2) look behind me before I back up. I'm usually able to recover and not take a spill after stepping back almost on him.
Sometimes his name is Ambush Cat because he hides under the computer desk and as I walk around the corner he shoots out and gets entangled in my legs. It's a miracle one of use hasn't broken a bone yet.
Different subject - the highlight of my weekend was coming upon an abandoned (probably stolen & stripped) car fully engulfed in flames up by the Kapahi Reservoir on Saturday. Huge orange flames, thick black smoke. I stopped my car to get my cell phone out of the back but by the time I had in my hand I could hear sirens. So then I had to race to get back in the car and get out of the way of the fire truck. Of course I had trouble fastening my seat belt because a beach towel was in the way. If I had any sense at all I would have gotten my camera out and taken a picture so I could post it here. We made it out of the way of the fire truck in time. After we drove past the burning car I noticed that a herd of cows has gathered in the pasture and was looking towards the smoke. That would have made another good picture but I couldn't stop because a car was behind me.
See - I really have no life if all I can post about is my insane cat and a burning car.
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