9.5" of Rain Between Thursday & Saturday.....

This is a photo from the local newspaper of a flooded stream in Kapahi. It started to rain last Thursday about 5 pm with lightning and thunder. It rained off & on until Saturday night when it started to clear up. My driveway looked like a river. One third of my front yard was under water. The side of my house was another river running onto the road. There was so much water on the road in front of my house cars had to drive on the opposite side of the road. I didn't leave my house from Friday noon until Sunday morning. Saturday I spent bouncing from the computer to the tv to the windows to check the flooding back to the computer then the tv, etc., etc., etc..
Finally today we went to Salt Pond. We normally get to the beach the back way by the airstrip but today it was flooded and muddy. I just didn't want to drive through that so we parked in the lot and walked across the grass to the beach. I couldn't believe how littered the beach was with debris and driftwood. The water was muddy out to sea about the length of a football field. No way were we going swimming today. A tourist couple down the beach was letting their son play and swim in the water. I hope he doesn't get an infection. At least it was sunny. But there was a constant breeze blowing from the west. Which is the opposite way it usually blows.
After Salt Pond we drove to Pakala's. The path down to the beach was muddy in some places and dry in some places. The river must have been a raging torrent because the grass that usually grows between the path and the river was flattened from the water. Just as you got to the beach the path became a cliff and you had to walk on the overgrown grass to get to the beach. The beach was even worse that at Salt Pond. Completely littered with driftwood and debris. And what looked like shredded grass was piled up along the beach only it had a sweet smell so I suspect it was from the sugar mill down the road. I'm so used to the beach being white sand with driftwood here and there that it was quite a shock to see what the storm had done to it.
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