Rock Pile at Salt Pond

Another photo taken by my sister. In the background to the left is where salt is harvested.
The day this photo was taken the wind was blowing stronger than usual. As I was sitting in my chair on the beach I looked up at the sky. The lower clouds were speeding by. Almost as if they were on fast forward. The higher clouds were moving so slow they were almost stationary. It was interesting to see the difference in speed between the two layers. There was also a ring around the sun that day.
Today at work I had an ocular migraine. It started with vision problems in both eyes (circular zigzag lines, etc) that lasted about an hour. Then I got the headache behind the eyes. And I felt nauseous. Then I threw up. The whole thing lasted about 3 hours. Fortunately I felt better after I threw up. Then I had to pick up my son. We had planned on doing laundry after work but I wasn't sure I was up to it. I started to feel better as we drove to the laundromat. So we ended up doing the laundry. I hadn't eaten lunch yet so I got some apple juice and a Baby Ruth candy bar at the store and ate that while the clothes were drying. My head still feels a little weird.
The only reason I knew I was having an ocular migraine is because years ago when I was on a particular brand of birth control pill I got opthalmoplealgic migraines. I went to get my eyes checked and they sent me to my ob/gyn who immediately took me off that brand of pill.
Tomorrow I have to leave work early. Yippee! My son has an appointment to get his spine checked. This is the last time before he turns 21 that Shriner's will check his spine. After turning 21 he is no longer eligible for services through Shriner's. In the mid 90's he had surgery for scoliosis. He has two metal bars attached to his spine with screws. He hasn't had any problems since the surgery. Hopefully he won't ever have any.
I've become hooked on a show called Trading Spouses. It's on now so gotta go watch.........
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