Olohena Bridge
Banned From The Bridge.....
A short time ago there was an article in the local newspaper about the Olohena Bridge no longer being structurally sound and in three weeks only vehicles weighing under 2 tons would be allowed to use the bridge. I didn't have any reason to drive that way the weekend after the article appeared but on the following Monday I had to drive that way to drop my son off at his day program. I was surprised to see that on the last side street before the bridge there were cones on the road, a sign indicating there was a flagman ahead and as you got closer there was a security guard and a policeman. They allowed me through. The same was happening at the other end of the bridge. During the next two weeks I was stopped twice and asked for my registration so the guard could check the weight of vehicle. Both times I was told I could proceed. My car weighs 3,940 lbs.
Tuesday evening on my way home I was stopped and asked for my registration and was told I couldn't drive over the bridge anymore because the combined weight of my vehicle and me exceeded the 2 ton weight limitaion. So it took these guys almost three weeks to figure out that I weighed over 60 pounds. So I told the security guard no problem, I would use other roads in the area, but that he needed to talk to his boss because the security guys weren't all on the same page and they needed to be consistent.
So anyway, every single other road in the area around my house has either has a state, county or private crew either trimming trees away from the telephone lines, spraying for weeds, clearing brush, repaving or some other kind of maintenance happening that has resulted in cars being stopped because one lane is blocked resulting in making driving in my "hood" a pain in the ass. Since I no longer can drive the most direct path from my house to where I need to go I've had to drive the back roads. Sure, they are nice scenic drives through pastures and neighborhoods I don't normally drive but the commute takes longer.
Do you think it ever occurred to anyone in government that because of the limitations imposed on the bridge that perhaps any maintenance to roads, bushes, etc in the area should perhaps be delayed so that commute time is not impacted for the thousands of residents who need to get kids to school and get themselves to work?
Apparently not. I have a saying for circumstances like this "This is Kauai".
Here's a picture of the bridge in question. This must be an old photo because the deck of the bridge is plywood. And shortly the bridge will be closed for up to 6 months while a brand new concrete bridge is constructed.

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